Attitudes & Contradictions

“If mother cares – we care – If she doesn’t nor do we?” Does that really make any sense?

Smoke while pregnant and you can harm your baby.

Drink alcohol while pregnant and you can harm your baby

Use drugs while you are pregnant and you can harm your baby.

Choose abortion while you are pregnant and you can kill your blob of cells, fetal tissue, products of conception dugh!!! BABY?

This week, we want to dwell a little on what we believe are contradictions in attitudes and we have taken information from three different sources to reflect upon, The Canadian Medical Association, The Federal Ministry of Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

We are wondering how the Canadian Medical Association can hold two opposing views concurrently. Some questions for the CMA;

How does the mother’s attitude to her child, change that child or indeed change your duty of care to that same child?

You compile a beautiful book about pregnancy, showing the baby’s development month by month and information to assist parents.”an indispensable guide for mother and baby from conception to age three..

How can you then abandon that child because the parent’s do?

Canadian Medical Association Complete Book of Mother and Baby Care 3rd Edition

This Canadian bestseller has been completely revised, updated and reviewed by physicians and is an indispensable practical guide for mother and baby from conception to age three.

Designed to ensure that new parents and parents-to-be get the most out of their medical and obstetric care, this authoritative reference includes sensible, user-friendly tips on nutrition, exercise, self-care and baby care. Fully illustrated with over 1000 colour photographs and images, this new edition includes a month-by-month guide covering each stage of pregnancy and birth, as well as step-by-step guides to feeding, bathing and diaper changing. There’s also a handy growth chart, an updated resource section, as well as a first aid section with new approved CPR guidelines.

This revised and updated resource is a must have for every new parent.

 And yet…

The CMA’s Policy on induced abortion is as follows:

Induced abortion is the active termination of a pregnancy before fetal viability. The decision to perform an induced abortion is a medical one, made confidentially between the patient and her physician within the confines of existing Canadian law. The decision is made after conscientious examination of all other options. Induced abortion requires medical and surgical expertise and is a medical act. It should be performed only in a facility that meets approved medical standards.”

Further questions for the Canadian Medical Association

  1. If  “abortion is a medical act” does that mean medical ethics supports the idea that doctors can kill patients?
  2. Why is “fetal viability” the line that is drawn in the sand by the CMA? What scientific, embryological or medical data supports this arbitrary line?

Any of us removed from an environment which supports and sustains our life could have this arbitrary line applied to us.

  • A newborn left on a table without assistance is not viable.
  • A child left outside in -20 degrees without warm clothes is not viable.
  • Any human covered in water and not allowed to breathe air is not viable.
  • No human is viable in space without the proper equipment to support his necessary environment.

A human fetal child needs the environment of her mother’s womb for roughly nine months – that has been true of all of us.

Why does the CMA agree with the killing of fetal children – just because they are where they are supposed to be? It makes no sense, medically or otherwise. 

Surely doctors should never abandon one of their patients at the request of another?

If the fetal child in the “Complete Book of Mother and Baby Care 3rd Edition is a “baby” then why not the fetal child unwanted by his mother.

Is this arbitrary “viability” line drawn to ease the collective CMA conscience regarding the killing of a child, by medical professionals who have a duty of care, regardless of the mother’s wishes.

If you read through the following you will note;

  • Smoking and Pregnancy – When you or the people around you smoke, your baby smokes too..
  • When you smoke, your baby gets less oxygen.
  • Cigarette smoking exposes your baby to over 4,000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke.
  • Exposure to tobacco smoke affects your baby for life.

That is just the beginning,  wait until you read more on the Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada websites and you read Canada Pre-Natal Nutrition Program!

Does it really make any sense at all to be so concerned over babies who are “wanted” and yet deny these same concerns to babies deemed “unwanted” even to the point of denying their humanity, their life and their dignity by allowing doctors to kill them at the mother’s request? Since when did being unwanted deserve a death sentence?

The following story and article is distressing and even more so in light of the Justice’s cold and callous comments.

In our view, Justice Veit’s words regarding the strangling death of a new born child by his mother, have extended the “abortion choice” outside of the womb. When you read the following, you need to know that this mother was not unsupported and she strangled her newborn son with her throng and tossed his body into a neighbouring garden. While all of us wish to see this mother helped, do we honestly agree that her part in the murder of her new baby should just be ignored or that the brutal death of this child should be so quickly forgotten? Contradiction after contradiction!

While many Canadians undoubtedly view abortion as a less than ideal solution to unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancy, they generally understand, accept and sympathize with the onerous demands pregnancy and childbirth exact from mothers, especially mothers without support.
– Justice Joanne Veit

The Canadian Press

Date: Friday Sep. 9, 2011
8:03 PM ET

EDMONTON— An Alberta woman won’t be going to prison for strangling her newborn baby with her thong underwear.

Katrina Effert, 25, wiped away tears as an Edmonton judge ruled Friday she can serve a three-year suspended sentence with probation.

Effert was 19 when she secretly gave birth in her parent’s basement in Wetaskiwin, south ofEdmonton, in April 2005. She then tossed the baby’s corpse over a fence into a neighbour’s backyard.

Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Joanne Veit said the public naturally grieves for the dead baby boy.

“But Canadians also grieve for the mother,” she said. “This is a classic infanticide case — killing a newborn after a hidden pregnancy by a mother who was alone and unsupported.”

Effert was twice convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 10 years. But the Alberta Court of Appeal ruled earlier this year that the murder conviction was unreasonable and substituted one of infanticide.

Medical experts testified Effert had a disturbed mind when she killed her baby.

The Crown has already asked the Supreme Court of Canada to review the case.

Prosecutor John Laluk said Effert deserved four years in prison because she showed no remorse for her crime by lying to police and initially blaming her boyfriend for the killing.

The maximum sentence for infanticide is five years, but Veit said prison time is rarely handed out forsuch offences. She said the wildly inconsistent stories Effert gave police were actually “painful evidence” of her mental imbalance at the time.

As part of her probation, Effert must notify officials if she becomes pregnant again so she can receive assistance and counselling.

Veit described Effert as a person of good character with no prior criminal record who spent nearly six years living under restrictive bail conditions.

The judge said Effert, unlike most people her age, was not allowed to have a beer on a hot day and her parents had to chaperone her every move outside the home.

She also served the equivalent of 7 1/2 months in pre-trial custody and psychiatric care.

Effert still must serve 16 days in jail to finish her 90-day sentence on an additional charge of disposing of a body in order to conceal it.

Defence lawyer Peter Royal said he made a mistake by not appealing that conviction and will argue in court next week that his client should be allowed to serve it on weekends

Health Canada
Pre- and Postnatal Smoking Issues – How Are Unborn Babies Affected?

Smoking is known to have an effect on babies before they are born. Nicotine, carbon monoxide and other chemicals in tobacco smoke are passed on to the baby through the placenta.1

Nicotine increases a baby’s heart rate and breathing movements. Some of the chemicals passed on through the mother’s blood are known to cause cancer.2During pregnancy, smokers have a greater risk of miscarriages. During the
birth, they are more likely to have complications.3 The chances of a baby’s dying at birth or shortly thereafter are increased if the mother has smoked during pregnancy.3

Babies of women who smoked or were exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke during pregnancy are, on average, smaller at birth than babies of non-smoking mothers. Smoking mothers give birth to infants who weigh about 150 grams less at term than non-smokers. 1, 3 Babies born with a lower-than-average birth weight are more likely to get infections and have other health problems.4

Public Health Agency of Canada – Smoking and Pregnancy

When you or the people around you smoke, your baby smokes too. A smoke-free environment is best for both you and your developing baby.

Important Facts

When you smoke, your baby gets less oxygen and nutrients. This can cause your baby to grow more slowly and gain less weight in your womb. Babies with a lower-than-average birth weight tend to have more health problems. And the more you smoke, the higher the risk that your baby will have complications during the perinatal period (just before, during and just after birth). This is true for babies exposed to second-hand smoke too.

Cigarette smoking exposes your baby to over 4,000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Fifty of these are associated with cancer.

Exposure to tobacco smoke affects your baby for life. Your baby may have learning problems, more ear infections, and more colds and breathing problems. Being born small can affect your baby’s health into adulthood.”

The Canada Pre-natal Nutrition Program

“On average the participants begin the program 5 months before their baby is born and continue with the program until 5 months after their baby’s birth”

Healthy Pregnancy – Common Questions About Alcohol and Pregnancy

What type of alcohol should I avoid?

Everything! Beer, wine, cocktails, coolers, hard liquors (such as whiskey, gin or vodka) liqueurs or even hard ciders all contain alcohol that can hurt your developing baby. There is no alcohol that is “safe” to drink when you are pregnant.

Are there times during pregnancy when it is okay to have alcohol?

There is no known time during pregnancy when it has been determined that it is safe to drink alcohol.

How much drinking causes FASD?

No one knows for sure how much drinking causes FASD. That means that there is no safe amount of alcohol you can drink while you are pregnant.

Can FASD be cured?

No. People have FASD for their entire life. They often require supports and services like special education, vocational programs, tutors and even lifelong care.

Can biological fathers cause FASD?

No. FASD can only be caused when a biological mother drinks alcohol while she is pregnant. However, it is known that women with partners who drink are more likely to drink themselves during pregnancy. Future fathers can play a big role by supporting a woman’s choice not to drink when they are having a baby.”

Preconception Care Chapter 3: Family-Centred Maternity and Newborn Care: National Guidelines

The health of the parents, prior to the woman’s pregnancy, is vital to the ultimate health of the baby. Promoting the health of women, men, and families before pregnancy thus merits attention as an important aspect of family-centred maternity and newborn care.

The preconception period is not a neatly defined period of time. Throughout their reproductive lives, most women never really “know” when, or if, they will become pregnant. Women have choices, however, about becoming pregnant. Effective
contraception has provided options (Raphael-Lerr, 1991). In addition, early pregnancy, or the first eight weeks, is critical as the time of greatest developmental risk to the fetus. In effect, many women may be unaware at this
point that they are pregnant. Clearly, preconception care should be considered throughout one’s life.

Preparing for a healthy pregnancy is not the sole responsibility of either the mother or the family. Individual life patterns, social support networks, and social living conditions are all important factors in conceiving, giving birth to, and raising healthy children. Poverty, for example, has a strong influence on pregnancy and children. Thus, it is critical that children and families are supported in safe and caring communities and in society in general.

Preconception care includes many components that are based on the principles of family-centred maternity and newborn care.

It begins with attitudes and practices that value pregnant women, children, and families.

It encourages women and men to prepare actively for pregnancy.

It focuses on the many environments influencing the family, including social, psychological, spiritual, and physical.

It respects the diversity of people’s lives and experiences.

It incorporates informed choice, thereby helping a woman and her partner to understand health issues that may affect conception and pregnancy.

It enables women and men to be as healthy as possible, helping them recognize actual and potential problems (Moos, 1989).

It attempts to identify parents with increased genetic risks and to provide them with sufficient knowledge to make informed decisions about their reproductive options (Levitt, 1993). Health care providers have a responsibility to involve themselves in providing preconception care to individual women and families. As well, they should work as advocates to create healthy, supportive communities for women and men in the childbearing phase of their lives.”

Printed with permission from

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