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So far admin has created 13 blog entries.

What Does Science Say?

The Science There is no question about when human life begins. In the widely used medical textbook, The Developing Human, Clinically Oriented Embryology, 6th Edition, Moore, Persaud, Saunders, 1998, states on page 2 that “The intricate processes by which a baby develops from a single cell are miraculous .... This cell [the zygote] results from the union of an oocyte [egg] and sperm. A zygote is the beginning of a new human being ....” On page

Personhood: The Domino Effect

Human Personhood: The Domino Effect Presented by Ethicist, Dr. Dianne Irving Related Links When Do Human Beings Begin? "Scientific" Myths and Scientific Facts The question as to when the physical material dimension of a human being begins via sexual reproduction is strictly a scientific question, and fundamentally should be answered by human

Discrimination in History

Discrimination in Recent History Even a brief overview of history reveals that its darkest moments have occurred when people failed to recognize other human beings as persons and, therefore, as equals. This denial of personhood to particular members or classes within the human family is traditionally associated with attempts to deprive them of their fundamental rights and privileges. Who would deny that it is flagrant discrimination to arbitrarily strip certain human beings of the right to

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