The Golden Rule: Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you.

How the Golden Rule helps us recognize the dignity of the unborn

The truth…that you are the same individual living being as the fetus from which you developed is a matter of observation and scientific data, writes Christopher Kaczor. “You now at ten years old, you at ten days following birth, you at ten days after conception and you at all stages of your life in between stand in bodily continuity.” 

Paul Stark
News page 19  July 2017


Why should people sign?

Our Canadian law says that a child in the womb is not a human being (Section 223 Criminal Code of Canada). Every year approximately 475,000 children are conceived in Canada, yet they remain invisible in the eyes of the law and their right to life remains unrecognized and unprotected.

Not one child in the womb has their life protected by law in Canada — until they are born.

When a child becomes human being

223 (1) A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not

(a) it has breathed;

(b) it has an independent circulation; or

(c) the navel string is severed.


Killing child

(2) A person commits homicide when he causes injury to a child before or during its birth as a result of which the child dies after becoming a human being.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 206.

This antiquated definition makes absolutely no sense and is not in line with modern embryology and scientific data.

It has been systematically documented in the Carnegie Stages of Early Human Embryonic Development (CSEHED) since 1942…The immediate products of both human and reproductive processes are new genetically unique individual living human beings…

“It has been known empirically for 100 years that fertilization is the beginning of sexually reproduced human beings”
(Wilhelm His 1880-1885)
Professor Dr. Dianne Nutwell Irving, M.A., Ph.D. Human Embryology

Did you know?

  1. An unborn child’s heartbeat can be detected 21-24 days after fertilization.
  2. An unborn child’s brain waves are apparent 43 days after fertilization.
  3. An unborn child’s heart has beaten 7.41 million times seven weeks after fertilization.
  4. At 6 weeks after fertilization an unborn child has arms and legs clearly visible.
  5. An unborn child’s finger prints are visible 9 weeks after fertilization.

Who should I canvas?

  • Your family

  • Your friends

  • Your colleagues

  • Your church members

  • Your neighbours

  • Your classmates

  • Your teachers

  • Your whole street

  • Your community

Special Note

  1. Please always be courteous in your invitation for others to sign the petition. The goal of this petition is to do what is right and protect the life of children in the womb.
  2. Please do not think you have to argue with people – just give a few facts about fetal development, explain that the lives of children in the womb are not protected by law.
  3. Invite people to sign the petition. Almost 4 million Canadian children in the womb have lost their lives since 1969 because there lives were no longer protected by law.
  4. Canada’s law protected the lives of children in the womb until 1969
  5. We want our petition to help Canadians recognize that loss, restore and respect the dignity of each and every child that has died and demand that our laws protect those children as yet unconceived from their biological beginnings as human beings.