Human Personhood: The Domino Effect
Presented by Ethicist, Dr. Dianne Irving
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When Do Human Beings Begin? “Scientific” Myths and Scientific Facts
The question as to when the physical material dimension of a human being begins via sexual reproduction is strictly a scientific question, and fundamentally should be answered by human embryologists — not by philosophers, bioethicists, theologians, politicians, x-ray technicians, movie stars, or obstetricians and gynecologists… more
Human embryology is the scientific study of the material aspect of the developing human embryo and fetus with the focus on the embryonic period, from the beginning of fertilization, or “when the matter is appropiately organized,” … more
Dr. Jerome Lejeune – Testimony to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments, May 7, 1974
“The unborn child, as one of the weakest, the most vulnerable, and the most defenseless forms of humanity, should receive protection”… more
Human Personhood Begins at Conception by Peter Kreeft
Philosopher Peter Kreeft presents the arguments commonly used to explain why the unborn child is not a human person and then shows clearly and simply why each of these arguments cannot possibly be true… more
Human Personhood Begins at Conception
by Peter Kreeft
Philosopher Peter Kreeft presents the arguments commonly used to explain why the unborn child is not a human person and then shows clearly and simply why each of these arguments cannot possibly be true… more