Organize a Petition Sunday

The Petition of One Million has been approved by the Diocese of Hamilton and Bishop Crosby has given us permission to collect signatures within the guidelines of a Petition Sunday. Please contact your pastor and ask to arrange a Petition Sunday in your parish.

We will be inviting church leaders of all denominations to support the Petition of One Million and will list their support on our website as we receive it from them. If you do not see your church, group, association or business listed, we ask you to invite them to join our project.

Why a Petition Sunday/Weekend?

A Petition Sunday/Weekend has proven to be a very effective strategy for reaching the greatest number of parishioners.

The liturgical environment, the music, and the hospitality are all ways to communicate that something special is happening on this weekend.

At the end of all the Masses/Services, an invitation is extended to parishioners to sign the petition of One Million 2019.

Selecting the right speaker, one for each Mass/Services, is key to the success of the Petition Sunday/Week-end.

It is best to choose those who are respected in the parish, who can motivate others, and who have a passion about the petition. It is also appropriate that the speakers represent the demographic makeup of your parish.

The speakers must understand the importance of their role in the signing of the petition of one million process; they are the medium for the message, the ones who will convey a personal invitation to the people in the pews.

The speakers will also guide parishioners through the signing of the petition process.

The speakers need a good working knowledge of the points for the talk, and must speak clearly with conviction and enthusiasm.