An invitation to sign the Petition of One Million 2019 (5-7 minutes)

The talk in which parishioners are invited to sign The Petition of One Million 2019 is given after at each Mass or Church Service on the Petition Sunday/ Weekend.

In addition to its role in attracting people to sign the petition, this talk is the primary means of educating people about the Petition of One Million 2019.

The talk is motivational and must include the following:

  1. An overview of the reason for the Petition of One Million and the outcome we hope to gain for our pre-born brothers and sisters.
  2. Speakers will note the difficulty we each have to find time and space to sort out the demands of our complicated, busy lives and give time to God and community.
  3. They will emphasize applying the Gospel message to everyday life, i.e. “the Good Samaritan”.
  4. They will also explain how signing The Petition of One Million 2019 will provide an excellent opportunity for parishioners to participate in a dynamic way in making history in Canada by extending protection of human life to those, as yet unborn Canadians.
  5. Parishioners will be invited to sign the Petition of One Million and/or take a petition sheet home with them to be returned at the next sign the petition Sunday.

The time frame for the process of signing the petition

  1. The speaker explains that the petition is available in the hall or at the doors after the processional hymn for signing and/or pick-up.
  2. The speaker will also emphasize the special nature of this opportunity.
  3. Recessional Hymn suggestions, “Here I Am, Lord,” “Go to the World,” Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers.”
  4. The sign up table will have a Bible opened at the Good Samaritan and a Candle lighted.
  5. Liturgical environment makes a difference.
  6. Parishioners will gauge the importance of the process not just from what the speakers say but from how the request is presented altogether.