We encourage all people of good will in Canada to sign the Petition of One Million 2019 and encourage others to sign. We need to proclaim to all Canadians the message that every human life must be protected from his/her biological beginnings as a human being in this great country. We cannot protect the 4 million children killed by abortion since 1969, but we can recognize and dignify their lives with every signature we collect. Please join us!

Please Note: In order for the Petition of One Million to be recognized by the Canadian government, the format of this petition is paper, rather than electronic.

The text of the petition is below. Please download and print the signature page of petition (see download button), sign it, and collect as many signatures as you can. Petitions should be returned to the address printed on the bottom of the petition. We will present the petition to the Canadian government in 2019. If you have any questions, please email us or call 1.866.588.2684.

Please download and print the signature page of the petition. When printing, please ensure that the return address is printed on the bottom of the page. To download Adobe Acrobat Reader is required. Click here for free download.

  • If you are person of faith, pray every day for the success of this project and ask for corporate fasting and prayer
  • The last Monday of every month starting September 25th 2017 will be a day of fasting and prayer for the Petition of One Million 2019
  • Download the petition and sign it
  • Please note the guidelines for signing the petition
  • Canvas your neighbourhood with the petition – see “Canvassing Guidelines”
  • Speak to your pastor about hosting a “Petition Sunday”
  • Refer to the “Petition Sunday Guidelines”
  • Send all the petitions back to the address at the bottom of the petition page

Please note the following for your petition to be valid:

  1. In order to be certified, a petition must contain original signatures with valid addresses, postal address OR city and province OR province and postal code written directly on the document.
  2. Also, note that the subject matter of the petition must be repeated on each page.
  3. Furthermore, as with the signature, the address must be written directly on the document and not pasted, taped, photocopied or otherwise transferred to it.
  4. A petition must also be free of any other matter appended to or written on the petition, whether in the form of additional documents, maps, pictures, logos, news articles, explanatory or supporting statements, hyperlinks, or requests for support.
  5. A paper petition must be TEXT-ONLY.
  6. A petition printed on the reverse of another document is not acceptable.
  7. Finally, petitions must be submitted on paper of usual size (8.5” x 11” or 8.5” x 14”).
  8. Please right click the red box to see the whole petition and download it to ensure that those considering signing our petition have read it in full before signing the signature page.

See also House of Commons link 

Collect Signatures

Why should people sign the petition?

Canadian law says that a child in the womb is not a human being (Section 223 Criminal Code of Canada). Every year approximately 475,000 children are conceived in Canada, yet they remain invisible in the eyes of the law and their right to life is unrecognized and unprotected. Even if the mother places value on her pre-born baby, not one child in the womb has their life protected by law in Canada.

Section 223 of the Criminal Code of Canada excludes children in the womb from the legal classification of “Human Being” which means their lives do not have the legal protection that the rest of us who are born enjoy in Canada.

We reject this antiquated definition of a human being. Current embryology and scientific evidence leave no shadow of doubt that the child in the womb is a human being from its earliest beginnings.

That is why we are launching this petition. Canadian pre-born children are deserving of full legal protection and the right to life.

We need you to canvas your community and collect as many signatures as you can.

Who should I canvas?

  • Your friends
  • Your colleagues
  • Your church members
  • Your neighbours
  • Your classmates
  • Your teachers
  • Your whole street
  • Your community


  1. Please always be courteous in your invitation for others to sign the petition. The goal of this petition is to do what is right and protect the life of children in the womb.
  2. Please do not think you have to argue with people – just give a few facts about fetal development, explain that the lives of children in the womb are not protected by law.
  3. Invite people to sign the petition. Almost 4 million Canadian children in the womb have lost their lives since 1969 because there lives were no longer protected by law.
  4. Canada’s law protected the lives of children in the womb until 1969. Canadian law did not include the child in the womb in its definition of human being, however, prior to 1969, the Statutes of Canada 1953-1954, Section 209, Chapter 51 stated the following;
    Causing death of a child not a human being: (1) Everyone who causes the death of a child that has not become a human being, in such a manner that, if the child were a human being, he would be guilty of murder, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for life…
    The Statutes of Canada 1953-1954, Section 195, Chapter 51 stated; When a child becomes a human being;
    (1) A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this  Act when it has completely proceeded in a living state, from the body of its mother whether or not: (a) It has breathed. (b) It has independent circulation. (c) The navel string is severed.
    (2) A person commits homicide when he causes injuries to a child before or during its birth as a result of which the child dies.
    After the amendments to Canada’s abortion law in 1969 the words “after becoming a human beingwere added to;
    (2) A person commits homicide when he causes injuries to a child before or during its birth as a result of which the child dies after becoming a human being.
    Thus abandoning Criminal Code protection of the life of the pre-born child and leaving a vacuum within the law to implement the new amended abortion law which has resulted in the killing of almost 4 million Canadian children in their mother’s wombs between 1969 and 2015 (most current statistics).
  5. We want our petition to help Canadians recognize that loss, restore and respect the dignity of each and every child that has died and demand that our laws protect those children as yet unconceived from their biological beginnings as human beings.

Organize a Petition Sunday

Contact your pastor and ask to arrange a Petition Sunday in your parish.

Please note: We have been inviting church leaders of all denominations to support the Petition of One Million and will list their support on our website as we receive it from them (see current supporters in footer). If you do not see your church, group, association or business listed, we ask you to invite them to join our project.

Petition Guidelines

Why a Petition Sunday/Weekend?

A Petition Sunday/Weekend has proven to be a very effective strategy for reaching the greatest number of parishioners.

The liturgical environment, the music, and the hospitality are all ways to communicate that something special is happening on this weekend.

At the end of all the Masses/Services, an invitation is extended to parishioners to sign the petition of One Million 2019.

Selecting the right speaker, one for each Mass/Service, is key to the success of the Petition Sunday/Weekend.

It is best to choose those who are respected in the parish, who can motivate others, and who have a passion about the petition. It is also appropriate that the speakers represent the demographic makeup of your parish.

The speakers must understand the importance of their role in the signing of the petition of one million process; they are the medium for the message, the ones who will convey a personal invitation to the people in the pews.

The speakers will also guide parishioners through the signing of the petition process.

The speakers need a good working knowledge of the points for the talk, and must speak clearly with conviction and enthusiasm.

See Petition Sunday Guidelines Tab.

An invitation to sign the Petition of One Million 2019 (5-7 minutes)

The talk in which parishioners are invited to sign The Petition of One Million 2019 is given after at each Mass or Church Service on the Petition Sunday/Weekend.

In addition to its role in attracting people to sign the petition, this talk is the primary means of educating people about the Petition of One Million 2019.

The talk is motivational and must include the following:

  1. An overview of the reason for the Petition of One Million and the outcome we hope to gain for our pre-born brothers and sisters.
  2. Speakers will note the difficulty we each have to find time and space to sort out the demands of our complicated, busy lives and give time to God and community.
  3. They will emphasize applying the Gospel message to everyday life, i.e. “the Good Samaritan”.
  4. They will also explain how signing The Petition of One Million 2019 will provide an excellent opportunity for parishioners to participate in a dynamic way in making history in Canada by extending protection of human life to those, as yet unborn Canadians.
  5. Parishioners will be invited to sign the Petition of One Million and/or take a petition sheet home with them to be returned at the next sign the petition Sunday.

See sample talk tab

The time frame for the process of signing the petition

  1. The speaker explains that the petition is available in the hall or at the doors after the processional hymn for signing and/or pick-up.
  2. The speaker will also emphasize the special nature of this opportunity.
  3. Recessional Hymn suggestions, “Here I Am, Lord,” “Go to the World,” Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers.”
  4. The sign up table will have a Bible opened at the Good Samaritan and a Candle lighted.
  5. Liturgical environment makes a difference.
  6. Parishioners will gauge the importance of the process not just from what the speakers say but from how the request is presented altogether.

The invitation to sign the Petition of One Million 2019

The talk (5-7 minutes) in which parishioners are invited to sign The Petition of One Million 2019 is given after at each Service/Mass on Sign the Petition Sunday or Weekend.

In addition to its role in attracting people to sign the petition, this talk is the primary means of educating people about the Petition of One Million 2019.

Good Morning/Afternoon, My name is… and I am here with an invitation for you that could effectively change our Canadian landscape.

I am going to ask you to consider signing The Petition of One Million 2019 in order to persuade our Canadian Parliament to protect the lives of our children before birth. This may very well be one of the greatest opportunities of our lives to save the lives of the tiniest of our neighbours, those in the womb.

In 1969, Canadian law withdrew the protection it had always given to the lives of children in the womb when it introduced the abortion law. Since then 4,079,264 children have been killed by induced abortion. Sadly, then as now, while not defined as a child, the little one in the womb is still not legally recognized as a human being. 

I am aware that each of us has to find time and space to sort out the demands of our complicated, busy lives and give time to God and community.  But we know it is our duty to care about our neighbours which Jesus outlined so beautifully in the parable of the “Good Samaritan”.

In that parable we note that the help was freely given with no hesitation, a compassion which saw the injustice, the pain and the suffering and sought to do everything within its power to see the “neighbour” cared for, protected and healed.

I am not asking you to seek out an injustice and solve it. What I am asking for and our Canadian children in the womb are asking for is your voice, speaking in the form of a signature demanding that there little lives be legally protected from the beginning.

By signing The Petition of One Million 2019 you have an excellent opportunity to participate in a dynamic way in making history in Canada by extending protection of human life to those, as yet unborn Canadians.

I invite you to come…(downstairs, into the hall in the far corner, in your pews) and sign the Petition of One Million and/or take a petition sheet home.

When it is complete return it to the church so that we can count the signatures or send it directly to Alliance for Life Ontario the address is at the bottom of the page.

Organizers will be collecting signatures up until April 2019 and the petition will be presented to Parliament at the 2019 March for Life in Ottawa.

It is hard to believe that just by signing your name you could be part of an amazing change that would take place in our country but it is true. All people of good will everywhere across Canada are being asked to support this petition.

The petition may also be downloaded from the website petitionofonemillion.ca

We hope to have more than one sign-up Sunday and are ready to answer any questions you might have at the sign up table.

It will take you a couple of minutes to sign the petition but the result of your support will be felt throughout time in this beautiful country.

Our tiniest member of the human family is counting on your support.

Time frame for the process of signing the petition

  1. The speaker explains that the petition is available in the hall or at the doors after the processional hymn for signing and or pick-up.
  2. Hymn suggestions, “Here I Am, Lord,” “Go to the World,” Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers,” etc.
  3. The sign up table will have a Bible opened at the Good Samaritan and a candle lighted.
  4. Parishioners will gauge the importance of the process not just from what the speakers say but from how the request is presented altogether.