Trudeau and Son
Most of the time, I speak about pro-life issues in terms of human rights but I was struck a couple of weeks ago by the readings in our Roman Catholic Mass Liturgy and how pertinent they seem to our present day political leadership in Canada.
Taken from 1Daniel the readings recount the story of King Nebuchnedzaar and his dream regarding his dynasty and Daniel’s interpretation, which was that his dynasty would eventually crumble. The following day’s reading saw Nebuchnedzar’s son Belteshazzar on the throne. Belteshazzar ordered the sacred vessels, which had been stolen from the temple in Jerusalem by his father, to be brought in so that he could use them for his social gathering.
While they were all drinking from these sacred gold and silver vessels and praising their man made idols, a human hand appeared and began writing on the wall. King Belteshazzar was almost stricken to the ground with fear and called for Daniel to translate the writing.
“You have defied the Lord of heaven, you have had the vessels from His temple brought to you, and you, your noblemen, your wives and the women singing for you have drunk your wine out of them. You have praised gods of gold and silver, of bronze and iron, of wood and stone, which can neither, see, hear nor understand; but you have given no glory to the God in whose hands are your breath itself and all your fortunes.
That is why he has sent the hand which has written these words. The writing reads: mene, mene, teqel and parsin.The meaning of the words is this: mene: God has measured your sovereignty and put an end to it; teqel: you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting; 28 parsin: your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and the Persians”
The Father:
I was not in Canada when the first Prime Minister Trudeau attacked the “sacred vessels” of Canadian society by legalizing induced abortion and altering the Criminal Code on divorce, contraception and “acts in private between husband and wife and consenting adults”. It appears to me that Prime Minister Trudeau stole an authority from God to which he had no right and then wielded it, as though it were his own, on these fundamental moral issues.
Redefining, without authority, moral principles on life, marriage and family which were not his to tamper with and which truly made him the “architect of change” he aspired to be.The sacredness of human life, the very nature of marriage and principles of sexual morality handed down for generations were struck at their roots by the arrogance of one man, with little or no push back by those representing Canadians in Parliament. When opposition did appear governmental authority and power silenced this voice or ways were found to circumvent those who disagreed. PM Trudeau’s attitude toward MPs from the opposition party shows the disdain he appeared to have not only for them, but it seems to me the Canadians they represented, when he stated;
“”When they (opposition MPs) get out of Parliament, when they are fifty yards from Parliament Hill, they are no longer honorable members – they are just nobody’s“.
I am presuming that those of us who are just Canadians or residents of Canada would have been included in those the Prime Minister defined as “nobody’s”, since most of us live, work and worship more than fifty yards from Parliament Hill!
This appears to be born out by the reaction he had to the report of the Task Force on Canadian Unity – which consulted with Canadians across this country. The resulting report was not exactly in line with PM Trudeau’s ideas and we are told he was furious and when given the report he “through it directly in the trash”
As far as his own cabinet was concerned it has been reported that “He kept his cabinet on a short leash and made free discussion of issues a punishable offense.” Sounds so very familiar!
The Son
On Feb. 12, 2012 Liberal MP Justin Trudeau (Papineau) told Radio-Canada in Quebec that he could support the idea of separation to help protect socially liberal values such as abortion and same-sex “marriage.”
“I always say, if at a certain point, I believe that Canada was really the Canada of Stephen Harper – that we were going against abortion, and we were going against gay marriage and we were going backwards in 10,000 different ways – maybe I would think about wanting to make Quebec a country.”
It seems that the acorn does not fall far from the tree in the case of Justin Trudeau. Just like his father, he appears to disregard the fundamental freedoms of conscience, opinion, expression and religious rights, demanding mass adherence to what he has termed, his own and the Liberal Party’s core values on abortion choice and homosexual “marriage”.
In 2015 at a weekly caucus meeting he declared that, “I have made it clear that future candidates need to be completely understanding that they will be expected to vote pro-choice on any bill….The existing MPs … will be respected to a certain extent in their choices, but our position as a party is we
do not reopen that debate……” The new screening process includes asking where the candidate stands on many issues including same-sex “marriage” and induced abortion. In another interview Justin Trudeau stated;
“It’s not for any government to legislate what happens – what a woman chooses to do with her body, and that is the bottom line,” the Liberal Leader said. “I have made it clear that future candidates need to be completely understanding that they will be expected to vote pro-choice on any bills.”
A key platform that Justin Trudeau ran on was the legalization of marijuana, a very controversial , evidence lacking move, opposed by many experts and ordinary Canadians alike. The following tweet received many comments from those in opposition to Bill 45.
“We’re one step closer to legalizing & regulating marijuana,” the PM tweeted. “Bill C45 means less money for organized crime and harder access for our kids. Tonight, it passed third reading in the House and it’s now headed to the Senate.” So much, for listening to those who disagree with government.
In his memoirs “Common Ground”, Justin Trudeau reiterates that homosexual “marriage” and induced abortion are among his core principles. In an article from LifeSite news regarding his new book, we read;
“Trudeau, who is Catholic, says that when speaking to those who were “opposed to gay marriage, abortion, and legal reform on marijuana” he cannot “simply pander to their position” but has to “adhere to my own views.”
“My response would be to say, ‘We disagree on this, and since we are both arguing from what we regard as our core principles, there is probably little room for compromise. I hope there is enough common ground on “other issues, however, for you to consider voting for me.”
G.K.Chesterton once said that “a society is in decay, final or transitional, when common sense really becomes uncommon” I would say that Canada is in this state currently as a result of the father – son disregard for the values of others who do not share their core principles. Prime Ministers are not voted in to push their own views but to listen to and represent as far as possible the worldview of all Canadians not just those with whom they agree. A balancing act is required to ensure that no one Canadian’s actual rights, as expressed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, are trampled by another’s.

Using the power of the state to usurp the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens is an abuse of power that is usually only seen in countries, like China, Iran, North Korea, to name but a few. Yet this Trudeau “dynasty” has spawned governments and Court decisions that trample our rights and speak about diversity and equality but give lip service to the reality. How could it possibly be a crime to assist women who believe they must resort to abortion? Yet Linda Gibbons and Mary Wagner have spent years in jail for this so-called “crime”. Pro-life bus and bus-shelter advertising is continuously attacked and yet few if any City Councils will rise to protect the freedom of expression and opinion of their pro-life citizens, the current mayor of Ottawa being a tragic example of such lack of backbone.
Students on our university, college and high-school campuses shut down because they have a pro-life worldview. Parents denied the right to remove their children from subject matter that they deem inappropriate or contradictory of their faith perspective. Comprehensive sex education programs installed against mass opposition from parents to no avail. Yet the Ontario Supreme Court has stated once again that parents are the prime educators of their children and the State may only share this role with the consent and invitation of parents. Men “identifying as women,” allowed in women and girls changing and washrooms. Propagation of the ideologies that sex is not a binary feature for human beings or that gender is fluid.
Physicians forced to take part in the killing of their patients as part of “end of life care”, viewed as pre-historic if they refuse to refer for abortion, midwives clamouring to take part in aborting children in the womb and most recently the Ontario Liberal government bringing in draconian legislation to defend a non-existent right to induced abortion, providing no obvious evidence, while trampling the fundamental rights of pro-life citizens. Bill 163 has been hailed as the most draconian legislation ever to be used against pro-life Ontarians. It seems we are being punished because we do not agree with the core principles of the Liberal party, well that my friends, is tyranny.
All this has been spawned by individual and/or government arrogance not adhering to or indeed knowing the limit of their authority. In a Maclean’s article Cardinal Thomas Collins reminded our current Prime Minister that there are issues that are beyond the whip including conscience and religious rights,
“Political leaders surely have the right to insist on party unity and discipline in political matters which are within the legitimate scope of their authority. But that political authority is not limitless: it does not extend to matters of conscience and religious faith. It does not govern all aspects of life.
I was just about to send this article out when I read the following in a LifeSite article by Lianne, Lawrence. Is there no end to this arrogance?
BREAKING: Canada won’t fund student summer jobs unless employers support abortion
OTTAWA, December 14, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – The Liberal government of Justin Trudeau will ban any employer from receiving summer job grants for students if the employer doesn’t first sign an “attestation” that they agree with abortion and transgender “rights.”
The new criteria were sent to all MPs and will be made public when the Canada Summer Jobs Program officially opens December 19, 2017.
In order to receive federal Canada job grants, employers must attest that:
both the job and the organization’s core mandate respect individual human rights in Canada, including the values underlying the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as other rights. These include reproductive rights and the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. …..
Conservative MP Brad Trost was first to publicly raise the alarm in a twitter and Facebook video in which he denounces the Liberals for discrimination. “In practical terms, this means you have to be with the Liberal Party position on abortion, gay marriage, transgendered rights, all sorts of legislation in the House of Commons, otherwise you will be an ineligible employer for this program,” Trost said. “That’s wrong, that’s discrimination.” Canadians “are allowed to have different political beliefs than the government of the day and they shouldn’t have their funding be cut off because they disagree with the government,” he added.
Well I began with the Bible and I will end there because the hand of God has written regarding one ancient father and son Nebuchudnezar and Belteshazzar and I believe it would write the same today regarding Pierre and Justin Trudeau. Those of us who still carry the torch of God’s word to our society can take comfort from David facing Goliath We will not face this modern Goliath, by which I mean the ideology of the culture of death, which has been spawned by such arrogance, with fear and trembling but with courage in the sure certainty that at the right moment God’s will, will be done whether we live to see it or not.
It can be said of this father and son also, “You have defied the Lord of heaven…You have praised gods of gold and silver, of bronze and iron, of wood and stone, which can neither see, hear nor understand; but you have given no glory to the God in whose hands are your breath itself and all your fortunes…… you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting…”