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So far admin has created 13 blog entries.

Trudeau and Son

Trudeau and Son Most of the time, I speak about pro-life issues in terms of human rights but I was struck a couple of weeks ago by the readings in our Roman Catholic Mass Liturgy and how pertinent they seem to our present day political leadership in Canada. Taken from 1Daniel the readings recount the story of King Nebuchnedzaar and his dream regarding his dynasty and Daniel's interpretation, which was that his dynasty would eventually crumble. The following day's reading saw

Launching of New Petition

Launch of the Petition of One Million 2019 On the day our Ontario Government introduces draconian legislation to defend a right that is non-existant in our Canadian Constitution, that is the  so-called right to choose (abortion) Alliance for Life Ontario announces the launch of the Petition of One Million 2019  Project. This project defends every Canadian's right to life from his/her biological beginnings and asks that our Federal Parliament finally provide justice and Constitutional protection for the

Sample Talk

The invitation to sign the Petition of One Million 2019 The talk (5-7 minutes) in which parishioners are invited to sign The Petition of One Million 2019 is given after at each Service/Mass on Sign the Petition Sunday or Weekend. In addition to its role in attracting people to sign the petition, this talk is the primary means of educating people about the Petition of One Million 2019. Good Morning/Afternoon, My name is… and I am here with

Petition Sunday Guidelines

An invitation to sign the Petition of One Million 2019 (5-7 minutes) The talk in which parishioners are invited to sign The Petition of One Million 2019 is given after at each Mass or Church Service on the Petition Sunday/ Weekend. In addition to its role in attracting people to sign the petition, this talk is the primary means of educating people about the Petition of One Million 2019. The talk is motivational and must include the following:

Collect Signatures

Collect Signatures Why should people sign the petition? Canadian law says that a child in the womb is not a human being (Section 223 Criminal Code of Canada). Every year approximately 475,000 children are conceived in Canada, yet they remain invisible in the eyes of the law and their right to life is unrecognized and unprotected. Even if the mother places value on her pre-born baby, not one child in the womb has their life protected by law in Canada.

Organize a Petition Sunday

Organize a Petition Sunday The Petition of One Million has been approved by the Diocese of Hamilton and Bishop Crosby has given us permission to collect signatures within the guidelines of a Petition Sunday. Please contact your pastor and ask to arrange a Petition Sunday in your parish. We will be inviting church leaders of all denominations to support the Petition of One Million and will list their support on our website as we receive it

Mary Ann Lavallee’s Letter to Parliament

INDIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION The Saskatchewan Indian Women’s Association representing 67 bands of Indian Women in Saskatchewan, and the Voice of Alberta’s Native Women Society have both recently passed resolutions supporting the Committee of One Million Petition. Below is the text of the speech given on May 29, 1975, by Mrs. Mary Ann Lavalleo, representing the Voice of Alberta’s Native Women Society and the Saskatchewan Indian Women’s Association, at the wine and cheese party of the Coalition for Life

No Child is Protected

Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child Adopted 26 September, 1924, League of Nations By the present Declaration of the Rights of the Child, commonly known as “Declaration of Geneva,” men and women of all nations, recognizing that mankind owes to the Child the best that it has to give, declare and accept it as their duty that, beyond and above all considerations of race, nationality or creed: The child must be given the means requisite for its normal development,

What Are We Before We’re Born?

What Are We Before We're Born? We would like you to take the time to get acquainted with our youngest Canadians and we hope you enjoy learning about this amazing world which is hidden from our sight. We are pleased to offer you a little peek through a window to human life in the womb. There are many people who really have never had the opportunity to see how we developed inside our mother’s wombs and there

Attitudes & Contradictions

Attitudes & Contradictions “If mother cares – we care – If she doesn’t nor do we?” Does that really make any sense? Smoke while pregnant and you can harm your baby. Drink alcohol while pregnant and you can harm your baby Use drugs while you are pregnant and you can harm your baby. Choose abortion while you are pregnant and you can kill your blob of cells, fetal tissue, products of conception dugh!!! BABY?

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